
Here is a list of all the messages on our phone tree.

What is the phone tree? It is a collection of hundreds of good solid Ana-baptist messages on the phone.
You can listen to any of these messages on the phone by calling 1-641-715-3800 (long distance charges may apply). Enter the access code for the group of messages you want to listen to and then enter the number for the message. There are sermons, songs, and testimonies. You can also click the links below to listen to the messages directly.

You can usually download the latest sermons from these churches websites

Ephrata Christian Fellowship (9 AM)
717-721-3043 (Live)

Charity Christian Fellowship (9 AM)
712-432-3973 x17540 (Live)
712-432-3974 x17540 (Playback)

Living Hope Christian Fellowship (9 AM)
712-432-3973 x54232 (Live)
712-432-3974 x54232 (Playback)

Joy Christian Fellowship (9 AM)
857-216-6700 x525819 (Live)

Other phone resources

Saturday Morning Bible Study (7:30 ET)
857-216-6700 x42517 (Live)
641-715-3800 x42517 (Recorded)

Daily Inspirations
(641) 715-3800 x8981482 (Recorded)
List of archived inspirations

Weekly Messages

The messages listed on this page (Fountain of Life Ministry)
641-715-3800 x141133

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